flex定位与table-column table-cell

2014-04-18 北京




W3Chool上的介绍比较简单,box-flex 属性规定框的子元素是否可伸缩其尺寸。可伸缩元素能够随着框的缩小或扩大而缩写或放大。只要框中有多余的空间,可伸缩元素就会扩展来填充这些空间。

默认值:    0.0(指示该元素不可伸缩)
继承性:    no
版本:   CSS3
JavaScript 语法:    object.style.boxFlex=2.0



.块级布局, designed for laying out documents
.行内布局, designed for laying out text
.table布局, designed for laying out 2D data in a tabular format
.position定位, designed for very explicit positioning without much regard for other elements in the document


can be laid out in any flow direction (leftwards, rightwards, downwards, or even upwards!)can have their display order reversed or rearranged at the style layer (i.e., visual order can be independent of source and speech order)
can be laid out linearly along a single (main) axis or wrapped into multiple lines along a secondary (cross) axis
can “flex” their sizes to respond to the available space
can be aligned with respect to their container or each other
can be dynamically collapsed or uncollapsed along the main axis while preserving the container’s cross size
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